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The GOP Is Too Dangerous to Be Regarded a Political Party

We need a more forceful response from civil society to the national security threats posed by Trump and the Republican Party.

Who's signing
Arthur Lum
Susan Banks
Jeff Childers
Patrick Wallace
Robert Veninga
Patricia Burch-Vaughn

1,000 Signatures

10 Signatures

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We believe that the current GOP is too dangerous to be called a political party. Its leaders call for or condone violent behavior. It is a lawless organization that threatens our democracy and national security. 

To keep calling it a political party legitimizes and normalizes its dangerous tactics, goals, and message. 

We hope that a new party emerges that values democracy. We sign this with love in our hearts for our nation and a determination to keep it a safe and stable democracy. 

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Showing 6 reactions

  • Arthur Lum
    signed 2022-09-02 16:05:40 -0400
  • Susan Banks
    signed 2022-09-01 01:02:27 -0400
  • Jeff Childers
    signed 2022-08-31 18:30:09 -0400
  • Patrick Wallace
    signed via 2022-08-31 16:35:04 -0400
  • Robert Veninga
    signed 2022-08-31 12:32:41 -0400
  • Patricia Burch-Vaughn
    signed 2022-08-31 12:28:28 -0400